Sinus Tarsi Approach for Calcaneal Fracture Treatment: Our Experience with 36 Consecutive Cases
Mahesh Soni, Diwakar Mishra
Citation Information :
Soni M, Mishra D. Sinus Tarsi Approach for Calcaneal Fracture Treatment: Our Experience with 36 Consecutive Cases. J Foot Ankle Surg Asia-Pacific 2022; 9 (2):75-80.
A total of 35 patients with 36 Sanders type 2 and 3 calcaneal fractures were treated with open reduction and internal fixation using the sinus tarsi approach. Wires, screws, plates, and combinations of these were used for the fixation of fractures. The patients were followed for 10–44 months and evaluated for radiological and clinical outcomes. Bohler angle was corrected from a preoperative mean of 0.68 degrees (range: 34.7–23.4 degrees) to postoperative mean of 23.5 degrees (range: 16–40 degrees). Gissane angle was corrected from a preoperative mean of 94.7 degrees (range: 41.8–123.8 degrees) to 110 degrees postoperatively (range: 87.7–135.8 degrees). Clinical outcomes were evaluated using The American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) scoring. The score, at last, follow-up was 62–90 with an average of 82. We conclude that the sinus tarsi approach can be used for earlier intervention and permits adequate access for satisfactory reduction of Sanders type 2 and 3 calcaneal fractures and optimum implant placement. The approach is associated with a low incidence of soft tissue complications.
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